TMG Creates Whopportunities

TransMedia Group tells your story across all media. We communicate your organization’s messages at the right time and in the right place to the right audience.
Public Relations in its true sense is about human connections and the art of mastering human connections at a deep level through the power of storytelling.
TransMedia Group is one of the country’s leading, multi-lingual public relations firms. From the TransMedia Building in downtown Boca Raton, the award-winning firm serves clients worldwide, from Israel to New York, Norway to South Africa, Miami to Mexico. Besides English, TransMedia’s publicists speak many languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Italian and Hebrew. TransMedia has offices in the US and Italy.
Since 1981, TransMedia’s international PR and social media marketing campaigns have made products and services, companies and entrepreneurs widely known and respected as well as rich and famous. Those clients have included AT&T, American Red Cross, Anushka Spa, Boehringer Ingelheim, Cenegenics Medical Institute, City of New York, Daum Crystal, Gunster Yoakley, Illustrated Properties, GL Homes, Jordache, Krispy Kreme, Merrill Lynch, GOLD To Go, Rexall Sundown, Trammel Crow and Wrap Media. TransMedia Group is truly an international firm that has conducted massive media campaigns in Brazil and Mexico. For SkyShop Logistics, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SKPN), the largest private postal network in Latin America which delivers more than 55 million mail items per month there, TransMedia publicized the company’s expanding cross border online shopping and delivery services in Latin America in partnership with Brandsmart USA in Brazil and Bananex in Mexico.
TransMedia Group cites numerous awards, accolades and articles praising its work over the years as well as many case studies of successful PR campaigns... Here’s some of the many campaigns we are proud of. . .
GL Homes, we helped to pull through the Chinese drywall disaster with flying colors, which made one of Florida’s major home builders a model for how to deal effectively with a crisis that nearly pummeled its stellar reputation.
Rexall Sundown whose sales went from $100 million to $900 million largely from the publicity we generated for the company over several years, making many of their nutritional supplement products the #1 sellers in the years they were introduced. Founder Carl DeSantis ultimately sold the company for $1.6 billion crediting TranMedia’s PR for much of its growth.
AT&T, which he helped through some of the most difficult periods in the company’s history by placing the then chairman of the company on many top national TV shows and generating positive articles in national newspapers, such as The New York Times.
Surgeon’s practice saved. More recently, we helped save an orthopedic surgeon’s practice after he installed over 300 faulty hip transplants in patients that had to come out. We focused on how well he excised them with a minimum of pain and discomfort and made him almost a hero.
City of New York. TransMedia won the most coveted award in public relations, The Anvil Award, for a campaign for fair housing that it conducted for the City of New York.
Kellogg’s Company expressed much gratitude to TransMedia Group Chairman Tom Madden whose many articles and speeches reprinted in The New York Times helped to block the FTC from breaking up the three major breakfast cereal companies as an oligopoly.
Celsius is the pre-workout beverage whose stock TransMedia’s publicity spiked from 30 cents a share to nearly $5 after we it covered on over a hundred TV stations nationwide.
Venus, Famous Kitty. TransMedia Group even booked a two-colored cat on NBC Today show which became a popular plush toy.

How Important is PR To Your Business?
If we have any claim to fame it’s our knowhow and connections to national media, which is how we’ve been able to book clients on high, making their companies successful and themselves billionaires from that mind-blowing, exhilarating exposure.
Can it happen overnight? Possible. Most likely it results from a culmination of pitches, examples and what we call “proof of story” or hard evidence and testimony that someone’s inventiveness is truly disrupting, creating and capturing a new market.
Still there has to be fees to fuel the process that could take a week, a month or a quarter to produce those transformative results. We do not accept assignments on a pay-per-performance basis and we don’t guarantee anything, but you will have your best shot through credible story tellers, former journalists and TV network executives, as well as digital content specialists...a productive and resourceful team.
If you are an owner, manager or marketing executive, it is vital to understand and use PR.
A common omission we find with many new clients is a complete omission of PR in their marketing mix when it should be leading the way and driving the brand into the mind of their public. Make PR a forethought, not an afterthought.
Listen to Al Ries, the author of Positioning The Battle for Your Mind, the book voted as the best marketing book of the twentieth century by the readers of Advertising Age, the industry’s bible.
“Advertising doesn’t build brands, publicity does. Advertising can only maintain brands that have been created by publicity.
“The truth is, advertising cannot start a fire. It can only fan a fire after it has been started. To get something going from nothing, you need the validity that only third-party endorsements can bring. The first stage of any new campaign ought to be public relations.”
This quote comes from his more recent, The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR.
The most rudimentary form of third party endorsement, of course, is the testimonial. But some folks bury those so deep on their websites it takes a bomb squad to dig them out.
A colleague of ours said he was on a client’s website recently and it took three different clicks to reach several outstanding client video interviews.
In referencing PR here, however, we’re talking more about getting articles placed in your industry’s magazines, doing radio and television interviews – telling your story to lots of people.
These days, the Internet also enables you to send out “optimized” press releases.
In addition to using “key words” in news releases, which can also include embedded video clips, don’t forget links to relevant Web pages, and options for sharing the release on social networks.
So let us get you on the PR high road to fame and glory.
And on the journey to success, let us book you on national media and favorably mentioned in leading publications in your industry. Then watch your reputation take off and your sales soar to new summits.
Then advertise all you want, but first find those unique, newsworthy and differentiating aspects of your business that will make you stand out from the rest as a leader, an innovator, a disruptor.
Every successful business starts with PR.